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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Jingle Jingle Jingle . . .
I'm not done with Christmas gifts yet. Mostly done, but not yet. Above is a scarf I made for my husband for Christmas. He never visits my blog, so it's safe. Ironically, for all I weave, he doesn't own a handwoven scarf by me. Knitted, yes, but not handwoven. It's made with a merino/tencel black warp and wool/silk silver gray weft in "Six Thread Herringbone". I measured warp for two, rather short, 42", scarves, one for my husband and one, just because it's easier to measure for more than one if you're going to wind warp, thread heddles, and sley the reed.
Now, I used to think that I could just make a quick project, at least one scarf, in a couple of days. Just breeze right through. No big deal. Yes, that's generally true. For the most part. Most of the time. Sometimes.
Except, as I have learned, there's always SOMETHING. Always. I no longer believe in the breeze-through-no-big-deal-quick project.
A spring on one of my treadles broke. Thank God I have an eight-shaft loom and was only using four on this project. I couldn't find any extras yesterday, so I just borrowed from another treadle. No spring, can't use the treadle.
The floating selvedge on the left side broke at least five times. A floating selvedge is an extra thread on each side of the warp. It is not threaded through the heddle, so it doesn't go up and down with any of the shafts. It is sleyed through the reed and remains static. I wind the thread around a cork and put it in an old prescription bottle that is weighted with coins or screws, whatever. It only has to be heavy enought to be taut. You use a floating selvedge on any project other than plain weave. In plain weave, the weft will catch one edge or the other of the project and there won't be any loose, gaping threads on the sides. But other patterns, or drafts, may not catch the edges every time, leaving loose threads and a messy selvedge (edge of the fabric). The floating selvedge is the same yarn as the edge of the warp and blends right in.
I was pretty irritated about them breaking all the time. It's easy to repair and add another one on invisible but it sure slows you down.
One of the warp threads broke, too, not far into the scarf.
Oh, and this all happened while making one scarf. I never got to the other one. I'm going to cut my losses on this one. It's a good thing I didn't decide to do this, famously, a day before Christmas. ha.
But the first scarf came out well and will be under the tree later today.
I'm not sure what was up with that yarn. It's an 8/2 merino/tencel but it look a little thinner than the other cone I have. This type of yarn is usually very strong and I love working with is. I think I will make a note inside the cone to only use as weft.
Bah humbug to that.
That's over and I will probably start another project today. And practice my guitar - yay! Because I have the house until late afternoon.
Merry Christmas, all!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New Line for Winter 2010 - 2011
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tis the Season . . .
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving . . .
And my new series, Cottage:
Have a safe and happy day!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Christmas in Connecticut
A Connecticut Christmas
Please give it a look and comment!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Friday!
SuperGirl Arm Warmers in Raspberry Smoothie
I have fingerless mitts, too but I haven't decided where to put them Swift Waters needs more things and I think my sister of Gwynevere Creations is having an open house next month. Plus, I have more scarves to photograph.
Have a happy Friday!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thank You . . .
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Please Hand Me Another Slate and Chisel. Thanks.
I'm working on another pair of arm warmers, posted a couple new ones in my shop, as well as another light weight scarf. Yes, I know, a blog without pictures is good for not much more than insomnia. It would take probably 7,000 years to post one picture.
But, I wanted to write something, so here it is. I'm listening to Patty Griffin's "Christina". Beautiful song.
As you will see above you, I have posted (well, I will try) a new song I wrote. For lack of other things today.
Have a good evening and thanks for reading and listening (if you did).
Monday, November 1, 2010
Heard in My Head: I Can't Believe It's November
I've got some scarves but, again, I have to see what I want to go to the stores and what should go up on Etsy.
I'm sleepy today. I'll get over it.
Have a good day!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Loot and a Paperweight
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Stuff
These two pictures are the same scarf, not in any store yet. I may take it to a B&M. It's a Barcelona but with squares of yarns in purples, aquamarines, brick red (dark), and teal. The yarns are tencel, tencel/merino, rayon chenille, alpaca/silk. Interesting and I've been thinking about this design for a while.
Thanks for visiting and have a sensational day! hehe!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Heat is On
I've done very well at the last two Farmers' Markets - so well that my loom is on fire again, trying to build up inventory for the next date, October 10, and for the stores and Etsy! I'm almost done with three today. Here is one:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Palau Musica Catalana
Frieze by Picasso
La Boqueria
Just five days and a very last minute thing! I'm very lucky my passport is ready to go!
I am working on my fall line. Here is something that is off the loom now. I am in desparate need of more yarn, though! I hope to get more this week or early next!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ages ago . . .
No pics yet. I am winding black warp. Tencel. I haven't decided 100% what draft I will use for this series. That will be finalized today.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Visit My New Line in Housewares
Slacker . . .