No crafts, no weaving, no shopping, no dancing this weekend. Instead, this is what Matt and I did all day Saturday and Sunday:

We made a new bed under the group of trees in the front yard. No grass grows there, except a few scraggily clumps that you still have to mow. And it's a pain to have to weave in and out of the trees when you mow the lawn. Matt shovelled five loads of topsoil and I edged the perimeter, which means I dug into rooty, rocky earth. We grow rocks in New England, as evidenced by this harvest:

These are just a few of the rocks we dug up. I am making another stone path in the garden. Some are nice and flat. These are the remnants of a stone fence that ran though the properties before the development was created.
And . . . my step-daughter called on Sunday evening and said she had to show us something. I thought, oh, she's gotten engaged! But no. Instead, this,

It's Bella! Three-month old mix from a shelter. She is so sweet and calm. But she was also exhausted. What a doll!