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Monday, June 15, 2009

A History Lesson and Some Strawberries

So, Matt is back on compressed summer hours, which leaves us free Fridays to do work around the house, go boating or take a drive. Since the weather was iffy for boating on the Sound, we decided to take a drive. I took some of my handwovens down to a shop, The Indigo Lily in Colchester, CT. Really cute store, so I'm thrilled Carissa is interested in my creations. Her daughter is Indigo, about 2 and "helps" around the shop.

We then took a trip over to Essex to visit our friend Bob, who is undergoing chemo treatments. He is so tired and not hungry much. I'm praying for his strength and health to get better. It was good to see him and check out his new house.

Afterwards we went to downtown Essex, a quaint New England town on the Connecticut River. I felt like such a tourist because I was taking pictures. I've been here many times but now that I have a blog I like to share.

The Griswold Inn opened its doors in 1776.

Matt. He took a picture of me but it was very dark in there. This is the bar area, where we had lunch. There are quaint dining areas and a new wine bar.

The perpetual Christmas tree, decorated with American flags, sits on a pot-bellied stove in the middle of the bar.

The Mary E schooner at Essex. Build in 1906, this schooner was used for fishing, cargo, mail service and the transport of (gasp!) liquor during the Prohibition. Now it takes tours on the river.

More views from the dock, near the river museum. Then my camera ran out of batteries.
Of course, there are little shops in Essex, among them the Left Bank Gallery, where Matt bought me these cool earrings.

On Saturday our town had its annual strawberry fest to herald the opening of strawberry season. Yeah, forgot the camera this time. Picture strawberry shortcakes and more strawberry shortcakes.

Some lambs, an alpaca and her cria (baby), oxen, rabbits, as well as vendors and crafters and music. It's nice to look forward to this each year and to see neighbors and such community involvement.

Yesderday we wrapped things up by going to pick about 10 pounds of strawberries. I froze some and made strawberry shortcake yesterday.


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