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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey, Hey, More Scarves

Keep on keepin' on. I have this mental image of my loom smokin' away!

This is the first of the Fire Combo yarn I bought the other day. The warp (vertical yarn) is the Fire Combo

Here I am ready to begin the second scarf. I experimented with a red-purple weft for a few rows. There is a hint of an earthy purple in the weft but I think this was too much. For now. I may try it on the third.

Here is the second. I decided to use a black weft. Very dramatic. It looks like a tapestry.

Which demonstrates how colors can be picked up, blended together, or play off each other. Always fun.

And here is my new favorite, Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout. It's a good thing.


  1. That weave work is awesome.


  2. Thank you, Puss! I've got so much more to do!

  3. 'Outside My Window' pretty nice Photoshop work
    lol - just keep the aspect ratio locked
