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Monday, June 8, 2009

Opening Day!

Wow! What a beautiful warm day we had for opening day of the Coventry Farmers Market. I met lots of great people and enjoyed talking with everyone. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
My very own booth babe. I could do it without him, but it's lots more work and I wouldn't be able to go use the Porta-Potty.
Putting on the final touches before the cow bell rings.

Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes & Drums parades through the market at the opening

Old fruit crates make great displays.

Two of my latest summer scarves.

The last hour of the fair. I got to take a quick walk around.

Herb tags for herb drying

Goat on a leash. Not to be confused with the sheep on the leash I saw earlier.


  1. I really enjoyed seeing your Coventry Fair! I've been doing fairs for 15 years in Southern California, and they're alot of work! Your summer scarves are gorgeous - I'll have to check them out on Etsy (I'm on there too - luludesign)

    Take care!

    Kathy C.

  2. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog! Thank you!

    This is my third year at this market and I love to go as often as I can to get the fresh food and see the crafters, demonstrations, whatever! I think I'm a little passionate about this one because I tell everyone about it. Anyway, I always encourage crafters/artisans/etc. to try a fair at some point in their lives because the face to face you get is invaluable, as I know you can attest. Thanks, again!
