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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday and Nearly Time to Start Behaving!

Not that I've been bad. The house isn't torn to shreds. My studio is somewhat neat (for me) but it somehow migrated to the office here. Hmm. And I haven't swept or vacuumed. But I am doing laundry. And I didn't mow the lawn yesterday. But I will by tomorrow.

What, you think I was talking about some wild party I had here in Matt's absence? With hemp handcuffs, naughty rubber stamps, Former Boss Lady, aka Lemon-Faced Bitch, voodoo dolls clogging the toilets, and eating Pop-Tarts for dinner? No, but I did stay up past 11 p.m. And there are old newspapers on the kitchen table.

I'm so bad. Incorrigible. Untidy.

If you know Matt, you would know this would not be tolerated. Therefore, I will turn into a little tornado at various times between now and when he comes home tomorrow to get this place ship-shape!

In the meantime, I have been gathering my wares, displays, and supplies for Sunday's Coventry Farmers Market. I'm so excited! It's opening day and sure to be crowded and fun. There will be sheep shearing, poultry-keeping, music, and, of course, the Nathan Hale Homestead Museum is open to the public. He was one of America's Revolutionary War heroes. Do the words “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” ring familiar?

Yesterday, I pulled out my collage stuff and had fun making a slide mailer piece. It's been a while since I've done any mixed media, having concentrated on my crocheting and weaving. But what fun! I love it.

It was raining yesterday, so I'd like to retake most of the images in the natural light outside.

Oh, darn . . . sounds like the laundry is done. Well, I do have until tomorrow . . .


  1. ... absence? With hemp handcuffs, naughty rubber stamps, Former Boss Lady ...

    I wonder if there is at least a bit of truth in what you're saying, aahhhhhaaa own up to it now :-) Lady Gaga's song is playing on the radio. I have a feeling she is going to the next Amy Winehouse - and you think you have problems. Just relax, have some coffee, you'll feel much more better - that is what I'm doing right now.

  2. HAHA! Seriously, I was thinking of having some friends over for drinks but I was guess I was too distracted by the craft store dumpster in my studio.

    I love Amy Winehouse and because I'm several years behind the times, hadn't heard of Lady Gaga until my step-son said he was going to a concert. Sometimes it's difficult to get me out of my cave.

